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What is AngularJS

What Is AngularJS

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework developed by Google that facilitates the creation of dynamic and interactive web applications. It is designed to enhance HTML's capabilities, making it more powerful and flexible for developing complex applications. Here’s a quick overview of AngularJS:

1. Framework Overview

AngularJS is an open-source framework that helps developers build single-page applications (SPAs) with ease. It extends HTML with new features and provides a structured approach to developing rich web applications.

2. Two-Way Data Binding

One of AngularJS’s core features is two-way data binding. This means that any changes to the user interface (UI) are automatically reflected in the underlying data model, and vice versa, reducing the need for manual DOM manipulation.

3. MVC Architecture

AngularJS follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates the application’s data (Model), user interface (View), and logic (Controller). This separation makes the application more manageable and scalable.

4. Dependency Injection

AngularJS uses dependency injection to handle services and components. This feature allows for more modular and testable code by managing dependencies in a more efficient manner.

5. Directives

Directives in AngularJS are special markers in HTML that extend HTML’s functionality. They allow developers to create custom elements and attributes, making the development process more intuitive and powerful.

6. Services

Services in AngularJS are objects or functions that carry out specific tasks and are used to share data and logic across different parts of an application. They promote code reuse and modular design.

7. Templates

AngularJS uses HTML templates to define the structure of the user interface. These templates are processed by the AngularJS framework to create dynamic views that update automatically based on the application's state.

8. Testing Support

AngularJS has built-in support for testing. It provides tools for unit testing and end-to-end testing, helping developers ensure their applications are robust and free of bugs.

9. Community and Ecosystem

AngularJS has a large and active community, providing a wealth of resources, libraries, and tools. This community support helps developers find solutions and best practices for their projects.

10. Legacy Status

AngularJS has been succeeded by Angular (Angular 2+), which offers enhanced performance and features. While AngularJS is now considered legacy, it remains important for understanding the evolution of modern web frameworks.


AngularJS played a significant role in advancing web development by introducing features that simplify the creation of dynamic applications. Although newer versions have since taken its place, AngularJS laid the foundation for many of the concepts used in contemporary frameworks.